
Explore Baroque Rome. Scroll to watch the videos below or select a link:

Explore Rome:


Explore Rome

Envisioning Baroque Rome: The Via Parione and Chiesa Nuova – 2024

Travel the via Parione from the Castel Sant’Angelo to the Piazza Navona, along a portion of the route of the Papal Possesso, take a side tour into the Piazza della Chiesa Nuova.



Envisioning Baroque Rome: The Via Parione – 2023

Travel the via Parione from the Castel Sant’Angelo to the Piazza Navona, along a portion of the route of the Papal Possesso.



Envisioning Baroque Rome: The Campo Vaccino – 2023

Travel from the Piazza de’ SS.ri Muti under the Campidoglio, over the Campidoglio, through the Campo Vaccino (the ancient Roman Forum) and up to a view from the Farnese Gardens on the Palatine. You will follow a section of the the route of the Papal Possesso and then view the Possesso from an overlook.




Envisioning Baroque Rome – Lunch and Learn Event – 2024

The project team discusses the process of building a 3D model of the city of Rome. Led by Sarah McPhee, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Art History, the round-table includes ECDS staff Joanna Mundy, Ian Burr, and John Halbert, and artist Nicole Costello Matthews. The team discusses the research, modeling, texturing, and animation of Baroque Rome.



Virtual Rome at the Carlos Museum – 2013

Dr. Sarah McPhee and Erik Lewitt, an architect at plexus r+d and managing partner of nVis360, discuss an earlier phase of the Envisioning Baroque Rome project, Virtual Rome, which was part of the Michael C. Carlos Museum’s special exhibition, Antichità, Teatro, Magnificenza: Renaissance and Baroque Images of Rome, on view from August 24 through November 17, 2013.



Evidence at Emory – Art History – 2015

Dr. Sarah McPhee discusses the use of Giovanni Battista Falda’s 1676 map as primary evidence to recreate Baroque Rome in a gaming platform for “The Nature of Evidence” podcast series for Emory University’s Quality Enhancement Plan.